Saturday, July 26, 2008

Swimming Hinglish

You often see bad English written on signs here and there. That’s fine, especially since I’m not sure my written German is much better! Anyway, this sign at our little hotel is a great example of that. The fact that Indians and foreigners have separate swimming times is telling, as Indians tend to be more modest at the pool than Westerners. However, I’m not sure why foreigners get twice the amount of time as Indians. Perhaps the hotel attracted twice as many foreigners? Who knows?

Here’s a story for your amusement. By the time we checked-in, I was thoroughly starving so I immediately ordered a plate of spaghetti from room service. After waiting 45 minutes, I called to find out about the delay. Another 30 minutes passed and with hunger I never knew, I staggered downstairs to inquire about my food once again. Yet another promise that it would come soon. 15 minutes later, Leah decided to go explore the town but stopped at the kitchen first to check on my food. Do you know that after 2 hours of waiting, room service finally showed up with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4, yes, 4 plates of spaghetti?!!?

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